Total project cost
ISK 43.9 M
GEORG Support
ISK 4.6 M


Phd students
This project studied a two-phase flow in geothermal reservoirs, both theoretically using mathematical models and by conducting experiments on such flow situations. The theoretical part involves the development of new and improved relations that account for the complex interaction between phases in porous flow. The traditional relation for such flow is expressed by the Darcy equation, which relates superficial flow velocity to the pressure gradient through fluid permeability and viscosity. However, phase interaction plays a part in the flow and must be taken into account in the two-phase case with effects such as weight difference, friction and surface tension included in the known relation.
Relations regarding convective and diffusive energy transport will also be coupled to the flow model to include effects of phase changes, especially when the fluid flows in a vertical direction in response to gravity. The results will be an improved set of relations that describe energy transport in geothermal reservoirs. The equations will be implemented in a simulation tool in order to be able to perform investigations on case studies and comparisons with measurements.

Final report 2013
Calculation of relative permeabilities from field data and comparison to laboratory measurements (2015); Gudjonsdottir, M., Eliasson, J., Palsson, H., Saevarsdottir, G.; GEOTHERMICS, 54, 1-9
Effect of flow configuration on the relative permeabilities of water and steam in two phase flow in geothermal reservoirs (2012); Gudjonsdottir, M., Eliasson, J., Axelsson, G., Palsson, H., Sævarsdottir, G.; Proceeding of 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, SGP-TR-19
Measurements of relative permeabilities for water and steam (2013); Gudjonsdottir, M., Eliasson, J., Palsson, H., Saevarsdottir, G.; Proceeding of 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, SGP-TR-198
Assessing relative permeabilities of two phase flows of water and steam in geothermal reservoirs: State of the art relations (2010); Gudjonsdottir, M.S., Eliasson, J, Harvey, W., Palsson, H., Saevarsdottir, G.; Proceeding of 34th Geothermal Resource Council, 34
Gravity effect on relative permeabilities of water and steam in geothermal reservoir; Gudjonsdottir, M., Eliasson, J., Palsson, H., Axelsson, G., Saevarsdottir, G.