Total project cost
ISK 67.2 M
GEORG Support
ISK 21.8 M


Phd students
Msc students
Geothermal resources are classified as renewable, but are a combination of an energy current and vast stored energy. This project focussed on the Reykjanes high-temperature geothermal system at the tip of SW Iceland, where a 100 MWe power plant started operation in 2006. The associated production has caused drastic changes in reservoir conditions. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the renewability of the Reykjanes geothermal system under current utilization, which was done through compilation of available reservoir monitoring data, and collection of micro-gravity and geodetic data.
Consequently these data were jointly interpreted, partly through modelling. The results do indicate, for example, that during the period 2008–2010 the renewal of reservoir fluid through recharge was of the order of 30–50%.

Final report 2014
Plate boundary deformation and manmade subsidence around geothermal fields on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland (2010); Keiding, M., Árnadóttir, Th., Jónsson, S., Decriem, J., Hooper, A.; Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 194, 4, 139-149
Renewability Assessment of the Reykjanes Geothermal System, SW-Iceland (2015); Axelsson, G., Arnaldsson, A., Berthet, J.C.C., Bromley, C.J., Gudnason, E.Á., Hreinsdóttir, S., Karlsdóttir, R., Magnússon, I.Th., Michalczewska, K.L., Sigmundsson, F., Sigurdsson, Ó.; Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia
Analysis and Modelling of Gravity Changes in the Reykjanes Geothermal System in Iceland, During 2004-2010 (29-015); Guðnason, E.Á., Arnaldsson, A., Axelsson, G., Berthet, J.C., Halldórsdóttir, S., Magnússon, I.Þ.; Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia
Crustal deformation on the Western Reykjanes Peninsula 2009 to 2014 mapped by InSAR and GPS measurements (2014); Michalczewska, K.L., Hreinsdóttir, S., Dumont, S., Sigmundsson, F.; Institute of Earth Sciences Report, JH1401, University of Iceland, 77.
GNSS- and gravity-surveying on the outer part of the Reykjanes peninsula; Magnússon, I.Th (2013); Report for ÍSOR-2013/066.