november, 2019
6nov - 7All DayDEEPEGS Final WorkshopSave the date!
Event Details
To go deeper in the Enhanced Geothermal Systems, we will be glad to see you at the DEEPEGS Final workshop (4-5 November 2019) and at the DEEPEGS Symposium (6-7 November 2019), hosted
Event Details
To go deeper in the Enhanced Geothermal Systems, we will be glad to see you at the DEEPEGS Final workshop (4-5 November 2019) and at the
DEEPEGS Symposium (6-7 November 2019), hosted by the BRGM in Orléans, France.
Abstract submission opens until September 15, 2019.
Registrations availbale online via BRGM Website
november 6 (Wednesday) - 7 (Thursday) GMT