november, 2018

14nov - 15nov 148:30 amnov 152nd GEORG Geothermal Workshop 2018 (GGW2018)


Event Details

The 2nd GEORG Geothermal Workshop, GGW2018, will take place in Reykjavik from 14 – 15 November 2018. The event aims to change the geothermal mindset through New Geothermal Generation theme by bridging between science and industry, displaying their achievements and spreading knowledge.

The workshop will focus on four themes:

– Upstream: Nature of the Source
– Midstream: Harnessing and Production
– Downstream: Diversified Utilization
– Cross-cutting: Sustainability – Social Benefits – Innovation

The #GGW2018 event will feature two days filled with research- and industry-driven project presentations, poster sessions with a networking platform, and a panel session on the future of the geothermal mindset, run by the invited keynote speakers.

The workshop will provide a unique chance to share and experience the latest developments, findings and opportunities in geothermal research and technical developments and not only in Iceland. The speakers will come from different disciplines and backgrounds, combining industry and academia, for informative and ambitious knowledge exchange.


14 (Wednesday) 8:30 am - 15 (Thursday) 5:00 pm GMT


Reykjavik Hotel Grand

Sigtún 38, 105 Reykjavík


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