march, 2025
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december 2024
10dec11:00 pmInvitation to Geothermal Synergy webinar
Event Details
Join the Geothermal Synergy launch event and webinar titled: "Enhancing Poland’s Geothermal Future through Icelandic Expertise and GEOTHERMICA Initiative Collaboration." The webinar is organised by MEERI and Orkustofnun and is
Event Details
Join the Geothermal Synergy launch event and webinar titled: “Enhancing Poland’s Geothermal Future through Icelandic Expertise and GEOTHERMICA Initiative Collaboration.”
The webinar is organised by MEERI and Orkustofnun and is designed to provide Polish stakeholders with a foundational understanding of geothermal energy. The event will spotlight Iceland’s journey, technological advancements, and key lessons learned, guiding policy development and collaboration to align Poland’s geothermal growth with Icelandic expertise and the goals of the GEOTHERMICA Initiative.
Agenda draft
10 December 2024 12:00-14:30 CET
Online Teams
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Introduction by project partners.
Special address on the importance of geothermal energy in energy transition and sustainable development
Overview of Geothermal Synergy Project
Introduction to the EEA/NFM Geothermal Synergy project.
Highlighting Iceland-Poland collaboration for knowledge exchange and geothermal deployment
Knowledge Exchange: Iceland’s Geothermal Expertise
Lessons learned from Iceland’s geothermal journey.
Funding geothermal projects and successful case studies from Iceland.
Benefits for Polish stakeholders in adopting Icelandic technologies and practices.
Expanding Geothermal Deployment in Poland
Iceland’s experiences with geothermal exploration, technological innovations, and successful power generation and district heating implementation.
How GEOTHERMICA can support transnational geothermal collaboration and development in Poland.
Why cooperation matters: Iceland, Poland, and GEOTHERMICA
Outline the steps Poland can take to participate in GEOTHERMICA
Highlight how Polish stakeholders—including government bodies, local municipalities, academia, private sectors, etc.
Panel discussion:
Strengthening cooperation for geothermal energy (20 minutes)
For further information, please contact:
Alicja Wiktoria Stoklosa, Office Manager
(Tuesday) 11:00 pm
september 2023
12sep12:05 pm- 12:05 pmUpplýsingafund um CETP Joint Call 2023 fyrir umsækjendur frá Íslandi
Event Details
Rannís og GEORG Rannsóknaklasi í jarðhita boða til upplýsingafundar um styrki á vegum CETP Joint call 2023 (TRI3 og TRI4 meira hér) fyrir umsækjendur frá Íslandi.Fundurinn mun fara fram í Grósku (salur Fenjamýri)
Event Details
Rannís og GEORG Rannsóknaklasi í jarðhita boða til upplýsingafundar um styrki á vegum CETP Joint call 2023 (TRI3 og TRI4 meira hér) fyrir umsækjendur frá Íslandi.Fundurinn mun fara fram í Grósku (salur Fenjamýri) þann 12. september kl. 12.
Á fundingum verður farið yfir rannsókna- og nýsköpunarverkefni sem verða styrkt árið 2023, umsóknarferlið og hvernig umsækjendur geta fundið samstarfsaðila fyrir verkefni. CETP býður íslenskum fyrirtækjum, háskólum og rannsóknarstofnunum upp á einstakt tækifæri til að vinna að verkefnum með samstarfsaðilum frá yfir 30 löndum.
Umsækjendur frá Íslandi geta sótt um verkefni á eftirfarandi sviðum:
- CM2023-04: Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)
- CM2023- 05: Hydrogen and renewable fuels
- CM2023- 06: Heating and cooling technologies
- CM2023- 07: Geothermal energy technologies
Fundurinn mun fara fram á íslensku. Dagskrá verður kynnt síðar. Léttar veitingar í boði
Skráðu þig hér mep online form
(Tuesday) 12:05 pm - 12:05 pm GMT
GEORG Geothermal Research Cluster
august 2023
23aug12:03 pm- 2:03 pmCETP Information Event for Nordic applicants
Event Details
Information Event for Nordic applicants (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) Join us for the Joint Information Event hosted by Innovation Fund Denmark & EUDP, Business Finland, Icelandic Centre for Research, Research
Event Details
Information Event for Nordic applicants (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden)
Join us for the Joint Information Event hosted by Innovation Fund Denmark & EUDP, Business Finland, Icelandic Centre for Research, Research Council Norway and Swedish Energy Agency.
Through this information event, you will have the opportunity to:
- Gain insights into the CETPartnership and the Joint Call 2023.
- Gain insight into Nordic energy scenarios, including the region’s energy landscape and potential future pathways.
- Gain insights on successful clean energy projects and initiatives in the Nordic region.
- Get input from professionals, and organisations committed to drive the clean energy transition in the Nordic countries.
- Participate on the B2Match platform for matchmaking and networking.
Register now here!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
(Wednesday) 12:03 pm - 2:03 pm GMT
Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavik
may 2023
15may2:00 pm- 4:00 pmGEORG ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2023

Event Details
GEORG Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, May 15 at 14:00 in Gróska, Mýrin, Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík. The meeting allows members and fellows to come together and learn
Event Details
GEORG Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, May 15 at 14:00 in Gróska, Mýrin, Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík.
The meeting allows members and fellows to come together and learn about GEORG’s activities in the past year, celebrate accomplishments, and discuss opportunities and challenges.
- Annual report of the board for the past operating year
- Audited Accounts for the group for the past operating year
- Determination of membership fees
- Election of the Board of Directors
- Any other business
– Proposals for changes to the articles of association
– Determination of a fee for new members entering
The meeting will be held in person at Gróska and with the option of joining online. Only those accredited as partners can cast their votes at the AGM, where each member has one vote.
VENUE: Gróska, Mýrin, Fenjamýri, Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavik
DATE: Monday, May 15, 2023
TIME: 14:00 – 16:00
(Monday) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm GMT
GEORG Geothermal Research Cluster
october 2022
17oct - 21All DayEuropean Geothermal Research and Innovation Boothat EGC2022 in Berlin

Event Details
The European Geothermal Congress 2022 is happening October 17-21, 2022, in Berlin! GEORG Cluster is excited to invite you to the European Geothermal Research and Innovation Booth exhibition, which will take place throughout
Event Details
The European Geothermal Congress 2022 is happening October 17-21, 2022, in Berlin! GEORG Cluster is excited to invite you to the European Geothermal Research and Innovation Booth exhibition, which will take place throughout the EGC2022 conference.
The Booth shows the high level of cooperation in geothermal in Europe through its projects in this international event. It is a joint initiative between the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects endorsed by CINEA and is led by GEORG Geothermal Research Cluster. Booth aims to strengthen cooperation and exchange the know-how of consortia European projects to accelerate geothermal energy development through long-term collaboration.
GEORG Geothermal Research Cluster Team will showcase and be introduced at the booth to other projects, such as
october 17 (Monday) - 21 (Friday) GMT
Face2Face meetings
GEORG Geothermal Research Cluster
6oct1:00 pm- 3:30 pmCETPartnership TRI4 Heating and Cooling

Event Details
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 will provide a TRI4 Heating & Cooling follow-up meeting for potential applicants that will take place on 06 October 2022 at 15:00 CET, Brussels time. To REGISTER for the online meeting, please use the following event link
Event Details
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 will provide a TRI4 Heating & Cooling follow-up meeting for potential applicants that will take place on 06 October 2022 at 15:00 CET, Brussels time.
To REGISTER for the online meeting, please use the following event link here.
CETPartnership Transition Initiative 4 (TRI 4) is about Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions. Its Call Module for 2022 TRI4 Heating & Cooling focuses on improved heating and cooling technologies and systems for all major parts of Europe by 2030 to enable 100% climate-neutral heating and cooling by 2050.
We invite all interested stakeholders to join the TRI4 Presentation Event to discover more about its Call Module.
Feel free to contact TRI4 Office at
In addition, keep posted on all eleven CETPartnership Call Modules at Joint Call 2022 | CETPartnership
(Thursday) 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm GMT
GEORG Geothermal Research Cluster