- 09-01-007
Coordinator: Ólafur G. Flóvenz, ÍSOR
Project finished in 2013

Total project cost

ISK 78.4 M

GEORG Support

ISK 11.4 M







Phd students


Msc students


HYDRORIFT is a subproject of the French GEOFLUX which develops cooperation between French and Icelandic groups of scientists to study seismicity and its relation to geothermal activity on the eastern part of the Reykjanes Peninsula in SW Iceland. The Icelandic group consists of specialists from Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR) and HS Orka hf. The French group consists of specialists from the University of Le Mans-Nantes (CNRS) and Ecole et Observatorie des Sciences de la Terre (EOST). HYDRORIFT is a geophysical experiment on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland including both high- resolution TEM/MT studies and seismic tomography. The study follows a successful five-month seismic experiment in the same area (Geoffroy and Dorbath, 2008). The objective is to stress the significance of the velocity anomalies discovered in the area, following the 2005 experiment (notably beneath Kleifarvatn Lake) and to reach a more accurate physical knowledge of the geometry and time evolution of the different fluid reservoirs within the active rift zone in Iceland.

PowerPoint Presentation




Final report 2013

3D inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) resistivity data from Krýsuvík high temperature geothermal area in SW Iceland (2015); Hersir, H.R., Árnason, K., Vilhjálmsson, A.M.; Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia

Microseismicity in the Krýsuvík Geothermal Field, SW Iceland, from May to October 2009 (2013); Kristjánsdóttir, S.; Master’s thesis, University of Iceland

Multidimensional Inversion of MT data from Krýsuvík High Temperature Geothermal Field, SW Iceland, and study of how 1D and 2D inversion can reproduce a given 2D/3D resistivity structure using synthetic MT data (2010); Lemma Didana, Y.; Master’s thesis, University of Iceland

The Hydrorift experiment (2009); Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M.; Poster on Earthquakes and Pre-Earthquake Processes

Hydrorift. Report on data acquisition in the Hydrorift project; Ágústsson, K., Franco, A.; Iceland GeoSurvey, ÍSOR 2010/002. Report prepared for GEORG

The Hydrorift Experiment (2012); Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M.; Lecture at Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

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