It was a pleasure to meet earlier this week British Ambassador to Iceland, Dr. Bryony Mathew, in Krafla and embassy members, Berglind Jónsdóttir and Sunna Marteinsdóttir. We talked about a variety of geothermal-related topics, including the history of geothermal energy utilization in Iceland, geoscience research, and innovation in the area.

We were particularly thrilled to present plans for the Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) Project and show Dr. Mathew the exact site where the drilling to magma will take place.

Dr. Mathew is a neuroscientist by background and an avid supporter of science education through her books and publications, including the latest one: ‘Tæknitröll og íseldfjöll’ (Technical Trolls and Ice Volcanos) aimed at introducing children to diverse career paths in science and technology.

We ended the day with a visit to Mýsköpun, a biotech innovation company in the area, specialized in algae production and powered by geothermal energy.

Below are glimpses of our #geothermalmoment!


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