ISK 32.6 M
For utilization of geothermal energy, project co-ordinators meet with corrosion and scaling issues in geothermal wells and power plants. Both can lead to mechanical failures and decreased power production. The precipitation of dissolved minerals from the geothermal fluid causes clogs in wells, wellheads, pipes and heat exchangers. The project investigates available commercial technologies that can be used for the isolation of minerals. Secondly, investigation of non-commercial options will be explored with the focus on relevance to Icelandic reality. The potential extraction products will also be studied, mainly regarding material properties, market value and potential local applications.
The different geothermal areas in Iceland will be analysed regarding the potential for mineral extraction, as it is known that the geothermal fluid composition is different in different geothermal regions.


Renewability A ssessment of the Reykjanes Geothermal System, SW-Iceland; Axelsson, G., Arnaldsson, A., Berthet, J.C.C., Bromley, C.J., Gudnason, E.Á., Hreinsdóttir, S., Karlsdóttir, R., Magnússon, I.Th., Michalczewska, K.L., Sigmundsson, F., Sigurdsson, Ó. (2015, April 19-25); Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia.
Plate boundary deformation and manmade subsidence around geothermal fields on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland; Keiding, M., Árnadóttir, Th., Jónsson, S., Decriem, J., Hooper, A. (2010, July 30); Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume: 194, Issue: 4, pp. 139-149.
Analysis and Modelling of Gravity Changes in the Reykjanes Geothermal System in Iceland, During 2004-2010; Guðnason, E.Á., Arnaldsson, A., Axelsson, G., Berthet, J.C., Halldórsdóttir, S., Magnússon, I.Þ. (2015, April 19-25); Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia.
Crustal deformation on the Western Reykjanes Peninsula 2009 to 2014 mapped by InSAR and GPS measurements; Michalczewska, K.L., Hreinsdóttir, S., Dumont, S., Sigmundsson, F. (2014); Institute of Earth Sciences Report, JH1401, University of Iceland, pp. 77.
GNSS- and gravity-surveying on the outer part of the Reykjanes peninsula; Magnússon, I.Th (2013); Report for ÍSOR-2013/066.