An essential part of utilizing geothermal fluid from the earth’s core is to transfer the fluid from the deep roots of the geothermal system towards the surface, utilize the energy to produce electricity, and reinject the fluid back into the earth. The main goal of this research is to develop a method to utilize the high enthalpy geothermal fluid which comes from drilling into deep geothermal systems. For efficient utilization design and reliable operations of the power plant and associated equipment, the extreme characteristics of the high enthalpy fluid have to be considered. For example, special considerations have to be made when selecting materials and designing the system which transports the fluid to the surface equipment.
The challenges within this project are extensive but for a scope which can be managed within the frame of the DRG project, it has been divided into two parts. The objective of the first part is the design of a power process for energy utilization of high enthalpy geothermal steam with thermal, chemical and material considerations in mind. For that purpose, corrosion studies in simulated deep geothermal environment are also included in the first part. For the second part the main objectives are discussing the mechanics of materials for deep root equipment, corrosion, erosion, thermal and mechanical stresses, failure analysis and improvements in design.

Chlorine mitigation for geothermal power plants using venturi scrubbers; Chauhan V., Harvey, W.,S., Saevarsdottir, G. (2015); Geothermics ventury.
Structural modeling of the casings in high temperature geothermal wells;Kaldal, G.S., Jonsson, M.T., Palsson, H., Karlsdottir, S.N. (2015), Geothermics 55, 126–137.
Structural Analysis of Casings in High Temperature Geothermal Wells in Iceland; Kaldal, G.S., Jonsson, M.T., Palsson, H., Karlsdottir, S.N. (2015, April 19-25), World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia.
Structural Modeling of the Casings in the IDDP-1 Well: Load History Analysis; Kaldal, G.S., Jonsson, M.T., Palsson, H., Karlsdottir, S.N. (2015), Geothermics, 55, 126-137.
Using Probabilistic Analysis with Finite Element Modeling of High Temperature Geothermal Well Casings; Kaldal, G.S., Jonsson, M.T., Palsson, H., Karlsdottir, S.N. (2013, October 16-18); SIMS 54th conference Bergen University College, Norway.