Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M.; The Hydrorift experiment. Earthquakes and pre-earthquake processes; Conference in Orkugarður
Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M. (2009); The Hydrorift experiment; Earthquakes and pre-earthquake processes
Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M. (2012); HYDRORIFT; European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna
Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M. (2012); HYDRORIFT; GEORG Open House poster
Ágústsson, K., Adelinet, M., Dorbath, C., Doubre, C., Flóvenz Ó.G., Fortin, J., Franco, A., Geoffroy, L., Hersir, G.P., Karlsdóttir, R., Schubnel, A., Vilhjálmsson, A.M. (2012); The Hydrorift Experiment; Nordic Geological Winter Meeting í Reykjavík
Ágústsson, K., Flóvenz, Ó., Guðnason, E. Á., Einarsson, G. M., Gunnarsdóttir, S., (2011); GEISER Geothermal Engineering Integrating Mitigation of Induced Seismicity in Reservoirs; ISOR meeting
Aradottir, E.S.A. (2010); CarbFix reservoir model; GEORG workshop on Geothermal Reservoir
Aradóttir, E.S.P. (2010); Coupling reactive transport to reservoir modeling; Workshop geothermal Reservoir Research in Iceland
Aradóttir, E.S.P. (2011); Development of coupled reactive fluid flow models; University of Iceland, Reykjavík Energy, Progress report
Árnadóttir. Th., Hreinsdóttir, S., Keiding, M., Jónsson, S., Decriem, J., Michalczewska, K., Hensch, M., Geirsson, H., Hooper, A., Ófeigsson, B.G., (2012); GPS and InSAR observationson Reykjanes; Seminar on deep roots of geothermal systems – Reykjanes
Atlason, R.S., Unnthorsson R. (2013); Asset Management Model for Geothermal Power Plants Based on Icelandic Experience.; Arctic Energy Summit Conference, GEORG,
Atlason, R.S., Unnthorsson R. (2013); Performance Indicators for Monitoring Geothermal Power Plants; Open Masters Days at the University of Iceland
Axelsson, G., (2011); Renewability of geothermal resources; GEORG Open House
Axelsson, G., K. Árnason, H. Franzson, G. Gunnarsson, S. Hreinsdóttir, E. Júlíusson, (2011); The roots of volcanic geothermal systems; Deep Geothermal Days, Paris
Björnsson, H., (2010); Constraining geothermal models with surface measurements; First European Geothermal PhD Day, Potzdam,
Brynjólfsson, S. (2013); Value creation from chemicals/gases; From Waste 2 Value Seminar
Cook, D., Davidsdottir, B., Kristofersson, D.M., Sigurðardottir, H., Arnason, Ó.; Evaluating the cost of geothermal impact due to geothermal utilization; GEORG Research Group Workshop Poster
Gíslason, S.R. (2010); Mineral seqestration of CO2 in basalt in the CarbFix project; Goldschmidth Conference, Tennessy, USA
Gíslason, S.R. (2010); Water – rock – CO2 interactions in the CarbFix project; Workshop on Carbonate Reactivities/ Industrial and Academic Applications in Copenhagen, Denmark in May 9-13Workshop on Carbonate Reactivities/ Industrial and Academic Applications in Copenhagen, Denmark in May 9-13Workshop on Carbonate Reactivities/ Indus
Gunnarsdóttir, S.H. (2011); Hellisheiði, Jarðlög, innskot og vatnsæðar; Orkuveita Reikjavikur Lecture
Gunnarsson, A., Unnthorsson R, Jonsson, M. (2013); Maintenance of Steam Turbines at Hellisheiði Power Plant; Open masters day at the University of Iceland, GEORG and Arctic Energy Summit Conference,
Guðbrandsson, S., Stefánsson, A., Moola, P., Prikry, J. (2014); Útfellingar brennisteins í basalti; Vísindadagur/ Science Day
Guðjónsdóttir, S. R., Ilyinskaya, E., Hreinsdóttir, S., Friðriksson Th., Auippa, A., Bergsson, B. (2014); Gas emissions from the Krýsuvík high temperature geothermal system; DRG GEORG Annual Meeting
Guðjónsdóttir, S. R., Ilyinskaya, E., Hreinsdóttir, S., Friðriksson Th., Auippa, A., Bergsson, B., (2014); Gas emissions from the Krýsuvík high temperature geothermal system; MeMoVolc Summer School, Stóru Tjarnir, Iceland
Helgadóttir, H.M. (2010); The dissolution of olivine and pyroxene in the Hellisheiði geothermal field, SW-Iceland; Kynningardagur hjá GEORG
Helgadóttir, H.M., Gunnarsdóttir, S.H., (2010); Geological 3D model of the Hellisheiði geothermal field; European Geothermal PhD day in Potsdam,
Helgadóttir, H.M., Snæbjörnsdóttir,S.Ó., Gunnarsdóttir, S.H., Níelsson, S. (2010); Gerð þrívíddarmódels af jarðhitasvæði Hellisheiðar; Vorfundur JFÍ
Helgadóttir, H.M., Snæbjörnsdóttir,S.Ó., Gunnarsdóttir, S.H., Níelsson, S. (2011); Hellisheiði high temperature field, SW-Iceland – geology, hydrothermal alteration and permeability structures; European Geothermal PhD Days in Reykjavik
Helgadóttir, H.M., Snæbjörnsdóttir,S.Ó., Gunnarsdóttir, S.H., Níelsson, S. (2011); Hellisheiði, ummyndun og jarðhitakerfi; Orkuveita Reykjavíkur Lecture
Jónsdóttir, M.T. (2012); Mapping Interaction between Magmatic and Hydrothermal System with Fluid Inclusion Analysis; 3rd European Geothermal Ph.D. day in Pisa
Jónsson, M., Finsterle, S., Zhang, Y. (2010); Inverse Modeling and Optimization; iTHOUGH 2 Input Language; University of Iceland, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory Course
Kristjánsdóttir , Ágústsson, Franco, Flóvenz (2011); HYDRORIFT; GEORG Lecture
Kristjánsdóttir, S., Ágústsson, K., Franco, A, Flóvenz, Ó.G (2012); Microseismicity in Krýsuvík; Seminar Series on Deep Roots of Geothermal Systems
Kristjánsson, J.K. (2011); New thermophiles from Icelandic hot springs for biotechnological applications; Symposium of the Danish Microbiological Society, Copenhagen,
Kristjánsson, J.K. (2011); Use of Geothermal bacteria: From Discovery to Applications; CAREX Forum: Biotechnological explorations of extremophiles to valuable products. Copenhagen, 8-9 May
Kristjánsson, J.K. (2012); Fóður úr brennisteinsvetni, MICROFEED verkefnið; Icelandic Research Council, Reykjavik
Másson, D., Sigurðsson, T. (2012); Green Circle Innovation; Seafood Industry Conference
Mesfin, K.G., Gunnarsson, I., Sigfusson, B., Aradottir, E.S., Gunnlaugsson, E., Stute, M., Matter, J.M., Oelkers, E.H., Gíslason, S.R. (2012); Pure CO2 injection at Hellisheiði: Results; GEORG Open-House presentations, Reykjavik Universit
Mesfin, K.G., Wolff-Boenisch, D., Gislason, S.R., (2011); Dissolution rates of basaltic glass as a function of cation concentration; GEORG open-house presentations, Reykjavik University, 20 October
Mesfin, K.G., Wolff-Boenisch, D., Gislason, S.R., (2012); Effect of ionic strength on the dissolution rates of basaltic glass at pH 3.6 and 25°C.; 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Reykjavik, 9-12 January
Mesfin, K.G., Wolff-Boenisch, D., Gislason, S.R., (2012); Effect of ionic strength on the dissolution rates of basaltic glass at pH 3.6 and 25°C.; VoN Research Symposium 2012, Reykjavik,
Ófeigsdóttir, G.I, Ævarsson, A., Kristjánsson, J.K., Hreggviðsson, G.Ó. (2010); Nýting brennisteins í lífrænni ræktun; Umhverfis- og orkurannsóknasjóðs OR,
Ormsson, K.A. (2014); Tilfærsla þörungaverksmiðju frá tilraunastigi yfir á frumstig framleiðslu. Búnaður til að vinna verðmæt efni úr koltvísýringi frá jarðvarmavirkjunum; Veltækniskolin
Pálsson, H. (2011); Mathematical modeling of energy flow in a geothermal reservoir; University of Iceland, lectures
Rosenkjær, G.K. (2012); Advanced 3D Geophysical Imaging Technologies for Geothermal Resource Characterization; GEORG Open House
Shortall, R., Davidsdottir , B., Axelsson, G., (2014); Sustainability Assessment Framework for Geothermal Utilization; International Association for Energy Economics Conference, LUISS University, Rome,
Shortall, R., Davidsdottir , B., Axelsson, G., (2014); Sustainability Assessment Framework for Geothermal Utilization; International Society for Ecological Economics Conference Iceland, University of Iceland, Reykjavik
Shortall, R., Davidsdottir , B., Axelsson, G., Ketilsson, J., Rybach, L. (2013); A Sustainability Assessment Protocol for Geothermal Utilization; GSAP, GEORG
Shortall, R., Davidsdottir , B., Axelsson, G., Ketilsson, J., Rybach, L. (2013); A Sustainability Assessment Protocol for Geothermal Utilization; 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, University of Ulsan, Korea, July
Shortall, R., Davidsdottir , B., Axelsson, G., Ketilsson, J., Rybach, L. (2014); Geothermal Sustainability Assessment Framework; European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, International Conference Center Vienna, April
Sigfússon, B. (2010); CarbFix project; Workshop on Carbonate Reactivities/ Industrial and Academic Applications in Copenhagen, Denmark
Sigurðardóttir, H. (2010); CarbFix project; World Geothermal Congress in Bali Indonesia in April 25-30
Smárason, R.S. (2015); Efficiency and Innovation in geothermal power plant maintenance; GEORG Open House, National Museum of Iceland, 14. January,
Snæbjörnsdóttir, S.Ó., Jónsson, S.S (2009); Clay analysis in well HE-17 in the Hellisheiði geothermal area. Comparison of different methods / Leirkúrs í Gautaborgarháskóla og verkefni í tengslum við sérverkefni vor 2009 -greinagerð; Gothenburg University, Workshop
Snæbjörnsdóttir, S.Ó., Harðarson, B., Franzson, H., Óskarsson, F., (2012); Structure and composition of clay minerals in the Hellisheiði High Temperature field, SW-Iceland; European Geothermal PhD days, Pisa, Italy
Steingrímsdóttir, E.D., Grétarsdóttir, H.G. (2011); Aquaponics kerfi, Nýting frárennslis frá fiskeldi til gróðurræktunar; Nýsköpunarsjóður námsmanna
Unnthorsson, R. (2012); Efficient Maintenance Management of Geothermal Power Plants; GEORG Open House, National Museum of Iceland, 14. January
Vilhjalmsson, A. M., Arnason K., Gudmundsson, M. T. (2010); Electromagnetic Study of the Grímsvötn Volcanic Geothermal System in Iceland.; American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco USA, 13-17 December
Vilhjalmsson, A. M., Arnason K., Gudmundsson, M. T. (2010); LOTEM-resistivity survey of subglacial high-temperature geothermal field, Grímsvötn, in SE-Iceland.; European Geothermal PhD Day EGPD, Potsdam, Germany,
Ævarsson, A. (2009); The GEOGAS Project: Life based on geothermal gas; University of Lund
Ævarsson, A., (2010); Líffræðileg nýting á afgasi frá jarðvarmavirkjunum; CleanTech Iceland Consortium, Federation of Icelandic Industries Reykjavik
Ævarsson, A., (2010); Líffræðileg nýting á afgasi frá jarðvarmavirkjunum; The CleanTech Iceland Consortium, Federation of Icelandic Industries,
Ævarsson, A., (2010); The GEOGAS Project: Life based on geothermal gas; The Nordic Archaeal Network Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
Ævarsson, A., (2011); Örverur til fóðurframleiðslu; Icelandic Feed Conference, Matis, Reykjavik,
Ævarsson, A., (2012); How to make protein from geothermal gas; Department of Chemistry, University of Iceland
Ævarsson, A., (2012); Hvernig við búum til prótein úr brennisteinsvetni; University of Reykjavik, International activity week,
Þorvaldsson, L. (2011); Mathematical modeling of geothermal reservoir; University of Iceland, lectures