GEORG Team is excited to share news from one of the projects.

The drilling of the Iceland Deep Drilling Project geothermal well at Reykjanes has been successfully completed.

A significant milestone has been reached in the Iceland Deep Drilling Project at the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland when drilling of the IDDP-2 well was completed on the 25th of January at 4,659 meters depth. All of the initial targets were reached.  These targets were to drill deep, extract drill cores, measure the temperature and search for permeability. The temperature at the bottom of the well has already been measured at 427°C, with fluid pressure of 340 bars, drill cores were retrieved, and the rocks appear to be permeable at depth.

It´s clear that the bottom of the well reached fluids at supercritical conditions so that the main drilling phase objective of the project has been achieved.  The drilling operation took 168 days since we began the drilling operation 11th August 2016.

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Milestone achieved – drilling completed

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