Total project cost
ISK 59.1 M
ISK 4.5 M
MSC students
This project is aimed at defining the character of the Hengill geothermal system with special emphasis on integrating the various geological and geophysical borehole data. This included a 3D model of geological and hydrothermal alteration structures, geochemistry of sub-surface rocks and thermal fluids, volcanology, seismicity, resistivity and gravity surveys. The work was mainly done as part of the MSc studies of six students each of whom additionally added
a focus on specialized subjects, which further broadened the characterization of the geothermal system.
The project established a much better view of the diverse character of the geothermal system at Hellisheiði, and gave a guideline to new methodology in the geothermal studies.
Final Report
Geology and hydrothermal alteration in the reservoir of the Hellisheiði high temperature system, SW-Iceland; Helgadóttir, H.M., Snæbjörnsdóttir, S.Ó., Níelsson, S. Gunnarsdóttir, S.H., Matthíasdóttir, T., Harðarson, B.S., Einarsson, G.M. Franzson, H. (2010); World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia
Geology and hydrothermal alteration of the Hverahlíð HT-system, SW-Iceland.; Níelsson S., Franzson, H. (2010); World Geothermal Congress Bali, Indonesia
Hydrothermal Alteration of Pyroxene in the Hellisheiði Geothermal Field, SW-Iceland; Helgadóttir, H.M., Franzson. H., Óskarsson, N., Grönvold, K., Steinþórsson, S. (2015) World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia
Borehole Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of Well HE-24, Hellisheiði Geothermal Field, SW-Iceland; Gebrehiwot, K., Koestono, Franzson, H., Mortensen, A.K. (2010), Word Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia.