Total project cost
ISK 15.2 M
GEORG Support
ISK 6.6 M
The TOUGHREACT project is a numerical simulation program developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The project involved the development of a coupled reactive fluid flow model including various reactions of water phase with basalt so as to mimic Icelandic geochemistry within the TOUGH-REACT software and the development of a new method, GOUST, for fitting model parameters using the iTOUGH inverse modelling software. These tools were applied in studies of CO2 sequestration at Hellisheiði, as well as a model of the Laugarnes low temperature geothermal area, including mineral alteration and silica scaling in hydrothermal systems under natural and producing conditions, and natural groundwater quality evaluation. TOUGHREACT is based on TOUGH2, a multiphase fluid and heat flow simulator.
TOUGHREACT V3.0-OMP is a major new release of TOUGHREACT that includes many new features and parallelization of the most cpu-intensive calculations in reactive-transport model simulations. Together with TOUGHREACT-Pitzer it provides reactive geochemical transport modelling of concentrated aqueous solutions based on the Pitzer ion-interaction model.
Final report 2013
Development and evaluation of a thermodynamic dataset for phases of interest in CO2 mineral sequestration in basaltic rocks; Aradóttir E.S.P., Sonnenthal E.L., Jónsson H.; Chemical Geology, Volume: 304, pp. 26-38, Published: Apr. 18, 2012.
Multidimensional reactive transport modelling of CO2 mineral sequestration in basalts at the Hellisheiði geothermal field, Iceland (2012); Aradóttir E.S.P., Sonnenthal E.L., Björnsson G., Jónsson H.; International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 9, 24-40,
Geothermal model calibration using a global minimization algorithm based on finding saddle points and minima of the objective function (2014); Plasencia M., Pedersen A., Arnaldsson A., Jónsson H., Berthet JC; Computers and Geosciences, 65, 110-117, SI
Dynamics of basaltic glass dissolution – Capturing microscopic effects in continuum scale models (2013); Aradóttir, E.S.P., Sigfússon, B., Sonnenthal, E.L., Björnsson, G., Jónsson, H.; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 121, 311-327
Geothermal model calibration using global minimization algorithm by mapping out objective function minima and saddle points; Plasencia M., Pedersen A., Arnaldsson A., Jónsson H. (2012); Proceedings of THOUGH Symposium 2012, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California
Development of a coupled reactive fluid flow model for mineral CO2 capture in Hellisheiði Iceland (2009); Aradóttir E.S.P., Sonnenthal E.L., Björnsson G., Gunnlaugsson E., Jónsson H.; Proceedings of TOUGH Symposium 2009, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California