Total project cost
ISK 19.9 M
ISK 10.3 M
The project investigated chemical changes and rock alteration in vicinity to magma near the roots of active geothermal systems with the aim of improving the understanding of the interaction between the magmatic and hydrothermal system. The project took outset in the active geothermal system in Krafla in N-Iceland. The main objective was to map and characterise changes in chemical composition of fluid inclusions in cuttings from wells that had reached parts of a geothermal reservoir impacted by magmatic gasses.
The study found that in vicinity to magma can be found a vapour-rich zone characterised by increased magmatic input in particular CO2. Furthermore, the aim was to attempt to constrain the chemical processes and model the magmatic fluxes at the transition zone between the magmatic and hydrothermal system.
Final report 2017
Mapping Interaction between Magmatic and Hydrothermal System with Fluid Inclusion Analysis; Jónsdóttir, M.T. (2012); 3rd European Geothermal Ph.D. day in Pisa, Italy; Conference poster
Mapping Interaction between Magmatic and Hydrothermal System with Fluid Inclusion Analysis ; Jónsdóttir, M.T. (2012); GEORG Open House; Presentation
Fluid-rock Interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal system with fluid inclusion analysis. The Deep Roots of Geothermal Systems (2016); Mortensen, A. K., Jónsdóttir M. Th., Owens L., Hofstra A ; DRG Systems Workshop; Presentation
Fluid-rock Interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal system with fluid inclusion analysis. The Deep Roots of Geothermal Systems (2016); Mortensen, A. K., Jónsdóttir M. Th., Owens L., Hofstra A ; GGW2016; Poster
Ummyndun og vökvabóluhiti í borholum KJ-38, KJ-39 og KG-25 í Kröflu. Jónsdóttir, M.T. (2014), meistararitgerð, Jarðvísindadeild, Háskóli Íslands, 101 bls.